Welcome to Tilney All Saints CofE Primary School

A very warm welcome to our website, which we hope will tell you all that you need to know about our busy and vibrant school, and inspire you to visit us. Our aim is to provide opportunities which will enable every child to thrive, and to achieve their full potential. We are a friendly, nurturing school, where every element of our daily school life is firmly embedded on the Christian principals of mutual respect, tolerance and caring. 

Whilst browsing our website, if you cannot find information you are looking for, or have comments or suggestions to make, please don't hesitate to let us know.

School currently runs from 9.00am until 3.15pm

Our school is a very friendly, caring and supportive school, with a strong Christian ethos. Both Ofsted (Jan 2008, June 2011, June 2014 and February 2018), and the Ely Diocese SIAMS Inspectors, rated us as a 'Good School', where children are happy, well cared for, behave well and make good progress as they move through the school. Life in our school is very firmly rooted in the fundamental principals of Christianity.

We currently have 89 children on roll, who are taught in 3 classes. We believe Sport, Music and the Creative Arts are paramount in giving our children the opportunity to experience a rounded, fulfilling and enjoyable time at our school, and these are given a high focus in our thematic curriculum, and extra curricular clubs. A high percentage of our children participate in the wide range of after school extra curricular activities - if your child is interested in taking part in any clubs please contact the school office. 

Tilney All Saints is proud to be part of the DEMAT family and is also in partnership with another local school, Anthony Curton School. The Partnership is very strong, with both children and adults benefiting. The children frequently visit their sister school and complete joint activities and trips. If you would like to find out more about Anthony Curton School please click under the photograph above on this page.

Thank you to those parents and carers who have already made such positive comments and contributions. If you are not yet part of our school family, please browse the site to get a taste of life in our school. You are more than welcome to visit to us to see us in action, and we are confident you will love what you see.

For new Reception Starters, please contact the Office - 01553828209 - if you wish to come and have a look around our school.

Our office staff are very friendly and approachable, so please do not hesitate to contact them, by e-mail, phone or letter. We will be pleased to hear from you, and aim to make your children's experience with us a happy and enriching one.

If you require disabled access parking at the school please contact us prior to your visit and we will make an appropriate space available for you.

Our Mission

At Tilney All Saints our mission is to provide educationally enriching opportunities for all the children and young people in our community, of all faiths and none, which will be underpinned by our Christian ethos and values.

Latest Head's Newsletter OFSTED Report SIAMS Report

If you would like to find out more about our partner school, Anthony Curton, please click here

Contact Us

Contact Us

Tilney All Saints CofE Primary School

Shepherdsgate Road, Tilney All Saints, King's Lynn,

Norfolk, PE34 4RP

Telephone and fax: 01553828209

Email: office@tilneyallsaints.norfolk.sch.uk

Executive Headteacher: Miss Dawn Liddle

SENDCo - Miss Alice Williams

Chair of Governors - Mr Steve Cozens   

DEMAT Chair of Trustees - Helen Jackson     

If you have any questions or queries about anything please feel free to contact the school office, where Mrs Dickson will be happy to help you.

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