A 27-year-old man has been found not guilty of murdering his grandfather by reason of insanity.
James Wild has raised concerns about potential over-regulation in the Football Governance Bill and risks to the success of English football.
James Wild has urged the Justice Secretary not to adopt “soft sentencing policies” amid growing court backlogs.
Five people have been arrested on suspicion of murder following the disappearance of a man in Lynn.
Homeowners, landlords and professionals are being invited to a conference focused on improving energy efficiency in traditionally-built properties.
Lynn’s hospital is set to join with two others as part of a new group model aimed at streamlining decision-making.
Lynn’s Guildhall theatre has now expanded into the former Your Local Paper offices as its ambitious transformation takes shape.
Mystery surrounds the future of a historic Lynn pub amid rumours it has closed down yet again.
James Wild has raised urgent concerns in Parliament about the environmental impact of yesterday’s collision between a cargo ship and oil tanker.
Two teenagers are set to face trial after an arson attack which resulted in a couple’s home being destroyed.
There are worries that leaking fuel from a collision between a cargo ship and oil tanker in the North Sea could hit the Norfolk coast.
An 18-year-old is among a group of three who could be jailed after a convenience store fight.
A man who used a stolen bank card to make a purchase worth just £6.49 will now have to pay nearly 15 times that amount following a court appearance.
A man arrested in connection with a death on the A47 last year has had his bail extended.
Success with joint replacement surgery at Lynn’s hospital has seen it earn top rankings nationally.
A van driver is being dealt with for a range of offences after being pulled over last week.
A 23-year-old could face prison after breaching a suspended sentence by committing a raft of driving offences.
Two brothers’ animosity towards a family member’s boyfriend led to an incident involving a crowbar, knife and a piece of wood armed with nails.
A man who stormed into his ex-wife’s home before assaulting her and her new partner could be jailed.
A window cleaner is expected to lose his job after being sentenced for drink-driving.