The founder of a pre-school activity provider said she was “thrilled” to celebrate the win of a national award.
Major hotel chains are interested in taking on sites in two key West Norfolk towns.
Our reporter visited Marriott’s Warehouse in Lynn for breakfast. Here are her thoughts…
A village post office which closed this week could return soon as retailers have expressed an interest.
First-time pub landlords were grateful for a busy opening day as they launched their business over the weekend.
Are you looking for somewhere to go for a midweek or a weekend treat that offers Thai cuisine? You’re in luck - we have you covered.
A new monthly farmers’ and craft market is set to be held in the area outside of a fire-damaged West Norfolk venue starting in May.
A pop-up business hub in town is set to close at the end of the month.
A company has been announced as a finalist in two categories in a prestigious awards ceremony.
A “hidden gem” of West Norfolk that leads construction education courses had several visitors from across the borough.
In this week’s Eat My Words, our reviewer shares her and her family’s thoughts on a takeaway which has been serving customers for more than 25 years.
A West Norfolk videographer has been recognised as one of the UK’s top wedding professionals in a national awards event.
A village business owner wanted to give back to a scout unit he used to be part of as a child and has provided a generous donation.
A 17-year-old is gearing up to take on a family business.