Cause of fire in Brancaster Staithe that burnt down five houses has been identified as an electrical fault
A cause of a fire in a West Norfolk village has been identified in a new report.
The blaze in Brancaster Staithe burnt down five houses back in July, four of which were uninhabited.
Now, the cause of the fire has been identified as an electrical fault in an incident report provided by Norfolk Fire and Rescue.
This was caused by an arching of the electricity supply onto trees during hot weather.
Nearby trees then caught alight and flames progressed towards the five houses.
At the time, communities came together to try and tackle the blaze with hosepipes before fire crews attended the scene.
Nobody was injured, the report also stated that outbuildings, a boat large areas, a van, marsh areas and a nature reserve were destroyed in the fire.
More than 90 firefighters attended the scene on Tuesday, July 19.
Brancaster Staithe experienced some of the worst fires in West Norfolk during a long hot summer, with the community soon coming together whilst the fire was ongoing.
A public meeting has been organised by Brancaster Parish Council for this Friday to discuss the fire.