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GCSE results 2021: Kings Lynn Academy GCSE results are in ... dash down to Nando's and celebrate

Many excited students turned up to collect their GCSE result at King's Lynn Academy today and the atmosphere was that of anticipation and excitement.

Beaming smiles and faces were seen with students shaking before opening the dreaded brown envelope to see how the next chapter of their education may pan out.

Alan Fletcher, headteacher said: "The staff have been phenomenal, the kids have been amazing considering everything they have faced over the last year and they have just got on and got through it."

King's Lynn Academy GCSE Results Day.. MLNF-21MF08055
King's Lynn Academy GCSE Results Day.. MLNF-21MF08055
Matthew Loft, left, and Tye O'Neil. MLNF-21MF08061
Matthew Loft, left, and Tye O'Neil. MLNF-21MF08061

Hayley Waller has been home schooling her children and said: "Lockdown has been a whole different ball game."

Her son Kaiden Lane said: "My results will work, I am going to the College of West Anglia to do a mechanics and engineering course. "

Vicki Dumbleton, whose daughter Mollie received her results, said: "It has been difficult home schooling two lots of school ages."

Mollie who got the results she needed said: "I am going on to do nursing and paramedics, my Gran was a nurse and I have always wanted to work in the hospital profession. I will then go on to do an apprenticeship in nursing at Addenbrookes, Cambridge."

Izzy Wright did well with many nine grades doing well in graphic design and said :" I definitely want to go to uni."

From left, Bradley Grealy. Alex Mesesan. Liam Burt. MLNF-21MF08054
From left, Bradley Grealy. Alex Mesesan. Liam Burt. MLNF-21MF08054
King's Lynn Academy GCSE Results Day. MLNF-21MF08062
King's Lynn Academy GCSE Results Day. MLNF-21MF08062

Her friend Elise Clayton also scored highly and is going on to sixth form at Springwood to study history, maths, further maths and politics and in the future would like to go to university to become a lawyer.

Richard Essex, maths teacher said: "It's good, we are pleased with the results."

Megan Bowen who teaches religious education said: "It is nice to see the work has paid off. I have been teaching remotely via teams as well as in class.

"I am impressed that they have knuckled down. This is a stepping stone. I explained to them that what you get now sets you up for life. I am proud of them."

Keiran Morton got his best results in business and said:"I've done good." He will be going on to study business tourism and events and perhaps one day will go in to football management.

From left, William Histon, Keenan Sergeant, Mollie Dubleton, Kaiden Lane. MLNF-21MF08055
From left, William Histon, Keenan Sergeant, Mollie Dubleton, Kaiden Lane. MLNF-21MF08055

Michael and Julie Bareford were very proud that their daughter Millie had scored highly with the equivalent of eight A stars.

Millie will go on to College of West Anglia to study nursing and paramedics and then on to university.

Julie, who was overcome with emotion, said: "She has worked so so hard."

Michael said: "I want her to live her dreams, she has always been a caring person who wants to help people. When I had a heart attack it inspired her to become a paramedic. "

As a surprise for Millie to celebrate her results they will be joining other families to have a special breakfast at Arbuckles in Downham.

Erica Charters will be going to KES sixth form to study biology, psychology and geography and aims to go on to study midwifery as her mum is a nurse so she is following in the family footsteps.

Pictured Kasey Tatnell. left and Ella Mason. MLNF-21MF08058
Pictured Kasey Tatnell. left and Ella Mason. MLNF-21MF08058

Bailey Naish is also going to the sixth form for maths, economics and physics aiming high to become an aerospace engineer.

Parents were keen to point out that the results are not just based on teacher assessment and that there were exams too.

Rosemary Acourt who is grandparent to Oliver Cottam, who following his results will now be able to do a course in electrical installation, said: "It hasn't been easy for them, it was not just teacher assessment, they had about two weeks of exams, it was intense."

Leanne Fitzgerald said: "I did pretty well, I will do Art and English at College of West Anglia and then I want to definitely do something creative."

King's Lynn Academy GCSE Results Day. MLNF-21MF08063
King's Lynn Academy GCSE Results Day. MLNF-21MF08063

Joshua Rippon will hope to do engineering at the CWA. He said: "I don't know what type but I would like to be an engineer, maybe offshore."

Nando's are offering a freebie for those with their GCSE results today. According to Nando's website: "Our Results Day Dash is back so whether you’re collecting A-Levels, GCSE’s, Highers or National 5’s, there’s a free quarter chicken or starter with your name on it.

"We’ll also be accepting these results from 2020 too because nobody should miss out!

Results Day is nearly here (like we have to tell you) and that means one thing … Free Peri-Peri! UK GCSE: Between 11am until 11pm."

Here's an earlier overview of KLA's results

King's Lynn Academy GCSE Results Day. MLNF-21MF08060
King's Lynn Academy GCSE Results Day. MLNF-21MF08060

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