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Overweight cat seeks Norfolk home with space to roam

Hefty Henry is a podgy puss in need of a new owner who can help him stick to his diet and provide outdoor space to continue his exercise regime.

Weighing in at a mighty 8kg, four-year-old Henry was at least 2kg overweight when he came into Cats Protection’s Downham Adoption Centre, more than six weeks ago.

Henry had been living in a rural home when he was relinquished to the charity’s Norwich Branch and was then transferred for pre-homing care.

fat cat henry (52828917)
fat cat henry (52828917)

Thanks to a controlled diet and exercise programme in line with veterinary advice, this weighty chap has already started to drop the extra weight.

An ideal weight for a healthy adult cat should be around 4.5-6kg, dependent on age and breed. If a cat is believed to be overweight, a gradual, steady decrease in weight is best and it may take up to a year for a badly overweight cat to reach their ideal body condition.

Cat care assistant Leah Snowden said: “Henry is a handsome free-spirited boy with bags of character and, once he can enjoy the more active lifestyle that he loves, he will slim down and feel much better in himself.

hefty cat henry (52831944)
hefty cat henry (52831944)

“Fat cats can also become lethargic and need encouragement to exercise. Thankfully, that’s one thing we don’t need to worry about with Henry. He’s a lively boy who likes to run around so we’ve been able to develop an effective exercise programme to suit this character."

Henry’s carers are hoping to find an adult-only home with an experienced cat owner. He would be suited to a rural location where he has the freedom to explore.

Leah said: “Henry needs a home where he can spend a lot of time being out and about doing cat things. He enjoys his home comforts and likes to be around people, but on his own terms. He’s not afraid to make clear that closed doors can stifle his sense of freedom.

“That’s not to say he’s not affectionate and it doesn’t stop him from seeking out attention when he’s in the mood. It sounds like he wants things both ways but he knows his own mind and the limits to what he’ll allow. There’s nothing wrong with that, of course. We all appreciate our own space. In fact, it makes him all the more endearing.

“Henry's been a joy to look after but it's a shame to see him still here after all this time when all he wants is a caring home to be himself.”

If you can offer Henry a home, contact DownhamMarket@cats.org.uk or 01366 382311.

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