Houses for birds, bats and bugs made by Men’s Shed and placed in Downham Market cemeteries
A number of boxes have been installed at cemeteries in Downham in a bid to boost wildlife.
Members of Downham Market and Downham West Joint Burial Board have placed bird boxes and bat boxes, as well as a bug hotel, in King’s Walk and Churchside cemeteries.
These houses were supplied thanks to a donation from the Norfolk county councillor Chris Dawson - a member for Marshland South Division which includes Downham West parish.
Members of the Downham Men’s Shed made the boxes, and representatives of the Downham Wildlife Group placed the boxes throughout the cemeteries.
John Fox, the chair of Downham Market and Downham West Joint Burial Board and a parish councillor at Downham West, thanked borough councillor Andy Bullen for helping to coordinate the groups who made this project possible.
Reporting by Cara Fiore