King's Lynn man stole Amazon parcel containing dog food from woman's doorstep
A Lynn man has appeared in court after stealing an Amazon parcel containing dog food from a doorstep.
Raymond Tuck, 60, of Browning Place, Lynn admitted to the theft at the town's magistrates' court on Thursday.
Crown prosecutor Colette Harper told the magistrates that on Sunday, November 13, the defendant was seen walking down Lynn Road heading towards Tesco Gaywood on CCTV before he took the parcel left on the victim's doorstep.
The package contained miscellaneous dog items with a total value of £50.99.
The complainant, whose parcel was stolen, said that she had a notification from Amazon to say that her parcel had arrived.
She then checked with neighbours to see if they had taken her parcel in, and found out that they had not.
One of her neighbours had a CCTV camera, which showed Tuck taking the parcel and walking off with it, so she then contacted the police.
Tuck was previously known to officers and was then wanted by police.
Mitigating for Tuck was Alison Muir, who said that the theft was "committed on impulse".
"It was only when he got home that he realised that the items were for dogs," she said.
Tuck had previous convictions but none that were theft-related.
"He realises it was a silly thing to do, he has learned his lesson by being in court today," added Ms Muir.
Magistrates gave Tuck a 12-month conditional discharge and ordered to pay £60 in compensation to the woman whose parcel was stolen.
He was also ordered to pay court costs of £50.