BBC Autumnwatch coming to Wild Ken Hill in Snettisham next week
The BBC are in the process of setting up at Wild Ken Hill to film Autumnwatch from Snettisham.
With a vegan catering van and port-a-loos brought onto the site for the nature show team, the huge satelite dish is now in situ for the show to be beamed to Bristol and then on to our television sets.
Soon to also arrive are the presenters of the show Chris Packham and Michaela Strachan who will be presenting from Wild Ken Hill, along with Gillian Burke and Chris Packhams' step-daughter Megan McCubbin.
Iolo Williams, however, will be missing as a change of schedule for the programme to accommodate FA Cup football means he was working away elsewhere. He has said he will be back for Winterwatch.
Viewers will be able to watch the show filmed from Wild Ken Hill on BBC2 on October 26 and will see the activity from the live wildlife cameras in place.
A spokesperson from the BBC said: "For Autumnwatch 2021 we’re hoping for a TV first to bring live remote thermal camera images of the wildlife at Wild Ken Hill.
"The marshes are home to a huge number of wildfowl and waders amongst them will be Marsh Harriers roosting.
"In autumn, the overseas visitors are arriving - Wigeon and Teal will be coming in from Scandinavia and Russia to spend the wintering months benefitting from the milder British weather.
"Five of the six species of deer found in Britain live at Wild Ken Hill. Fallow, Red, Muntjac, Roe, and Chinese Water Deer, and we hope to see what they’re up to with our remote and thermal cameras.
"Cameras placed around and, in the river, and streams may spot Brown Trout, and if we’re lucky, the resident Beavers.
Will we catch a glimpse of the kit born here in the summer the first to be born in Norfolk in more than 600 years?"
Wild Ken Hill has an abundance of Autumn berries, feeding many species of wildlife that Chris Packham and Michaela Strachan will be exploring.
The hedgerows along the old railway line are bursting with this season’s bounty, just in time for the arrival of winter migrants such as Redwing, Fieldfare and perhaps even the much rarer and exotic looking Waxwing, as well as providing a vital pre-winter food source for animals such as mice and hedgehogs.
Nick Padwick, estate director at Wild Ken Hill said: “Autumnwatch gives us an opportunity to sit back in our homes and see the results of our approach here at Wild Ken Hill.
"For example, we haven’t trimmed our hedgerows for the past two years and we are looking forward to seeing the rewards for our wildlife in the form of the incredible amount of berries and fruits which will sustain them over the coming months.”
Dominic Buscall, Project Manager at Wild Ken Hill said: “We are delighted to welcome The Watches back to Wild Ken Hill this month following the amazing spectacle of Springwatch.
"We are very much looking forward to seeing many of Norfolk’s iconic autumn and winter species in all their glory."
Let's see what they find through the undergrowth.
For more information visit here