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Lynn Osteoporosis Support Group closed in March due to Covid factors

On behalf of the King’s Lynn and District Osteoporosis Support Group I am sad to have to let you know that from the end of March this year we have closed.

Jill Fysh, the chairman, and I, Edith Finbow, the secretary, who have been involved from the beginning decided to retire and the rest of the committee has resigned also. Nobody else has stepped forward to take the group on.

Due to rising Covid-19 cases we are not allowed by the Royal Osteoporosis Society, our national body, to meet face-to-face or hold exercise classes and we feel meeting socially is just as important as the other services we provide so perhaps it is a good time to finish. Also all the information one could need is to be found online now. Anybody wanting to access this should go to www.theros.org.uk or telephone the Nurses Helpline on 0808 800 0035.

King's Lynn Lions present £300 to the National Osteoporosis Society. Front from left: David Giles and David Gifford from the Lions Services Committee, Barbara Blacklock (exercise co-ordinator), Jill Fysh (chairman osteoporosis society) and Edith Finbow (society secretary). Behind from left: Jessica Smith (instructor), Anne Lemmon, Barbara Worlledge, Keith Lemmon, Ros Harre and Margaret Worledge.
King's Lynn Lions present £300 to the National Osteoporosis Society. Front from left: David Giles and David Gifford from the Lions Services Committee, Barbara Blacklock (exercise co-ordinator), Jill Fysh (chairman osteoporosis society) and Edith Finbow (society secretary). Behind from left: Jessica Smith (instructor), Anne Lemmon, Barbara Worlledge, Keith Lemmon, Ros Harre and Margaret Worledge.

Over the 25 years we have raised more than £60,000, mainly for research and the Nurses Helpline and spoken to so many people about the risks and treatments for osteoporosis.

We now have a DXA Scanning Service at the hospital after many years of lobbying and the kind assistance and funding by the King’s Lynn Hospitals League of Friends and really there is nothing more that we are able to accomplish locally as our only outstanding goal was a Fracture Liaison Service at the hospital which we cannot expect them to provide with so many other mounting pressures.

The group held a final AGM and celebration lunch at the Stuart House Hotel last week and 41 members were able to attend.

Modern knee and hip prosthesis.
Modern knee and hip prosthesis.

It was a very happy occasion, celebrating all we have achieved over 25 years but also tinged with sadness because friends will not be able to meet regularly as we have done in the past.

We would like to thank everyone who has helped us over the years, too many to thank individually, but without your help we would have been unable to provide the newly-diagnosed courses, regular meetings and exercise classes as we have done.

Thanks to everyone.

Edith Finbow,

Secretary, King’s Lynn and District Group of the Royal Osteoporosis Society

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