Party to celebrate memory of dancing queen Peggy Spencer
Zara with Peggy’s MBE
Peggy’s Party will be held each year at the Bishopgate Institute, keeping alive memories of the woman who was one half of the hugely successful Frank and Peggy Spencer formation team based in Penge, South London.
And a new medal, named after the doyenne of the dancefloor, is to be struck and awarded to winners of an annual ballroom dance competition.
For more than 50 years, Peggy, who moved to Lynn following her retirement, was a judge and choreographer on BBC’s Come Dancing.
Peggy, an MBE, died in May 2016, aged 95.
Last month it was announced that her archive is now housed at the Institute.
Peggy’s daughter, Helena Anderson, was among her family that attended the launch.
During an emotional evening of dance and memories, Peggy’s granddaughter, Joanne, and great granddaughter, Lilah Rose, aged five, danced for the assembled guests. This was followed by an appearance by Peggy’s great-grandson Mickey Spencer, 14, who danced a waltz with his partner Zara, 12.
Mrs Anderson said : “By this stage of the evening there wasn’t a dry eye in the house.
“It’s fair to say that the children were the highlight of the very emotional and moving evening. I think the launch event was an amazing and fantastic night for everyone concerned. Peggy would have been so proud of her family and friends.”
Mrs Anderson told guests of how the people of Lynn had taken Peggy to their hearts.
The Imperial Society of Dance, of which Peggy was president for 20 years, announced details of the Peggy Spencer Legend Award.
There is also to be a brass plaque placed in Penge High Street.