Celebrations were in order for a pub landlady who had been pulling pints for 25 years.
Rosina Woods, known as Roz, has been the landlady of Lynn’s Live and Let Live for a quarter of a century since taking over the pub in 2000.
Not only were staff, friends, family, and customers celebrating Roz’s milestone anniversary, but it was also tied to the announcement that Live and Let Live has been crowned Branch Cider Pub of the Year and a runner-up in Branch Pub of the Year by CAMRA.
Rosina Woods celebrating 25 years as landlady of the Live & Let Live pub in King's Lynn. Also pictured are (from left) Tania Jenkins, West Norfolk mayor Paul Bland, mayoress Marion Bland, CAMRA West Norfolk branch chair Andrea Briers & Nick Brown
A weekend of surprise celebrations took place at the pub on Windsor Road, which included live music from bands as well as raising money for charity.
Joining in on the celebrations was West Norfolk Mayor Paul Bland, who congratulated Roz for her work at the pub over the years, which has held numerous community and charity events.
Cllr Bland also got to work pulling pints behind the bar, with staff joking that due to his good pouring, he was “hired and couldn’t leave”.
Rosina Woods was presented with a commemorative plate, marking 25 years as landlady of the Live & Let Live pub in King's Lynn
Charity efforts continued on Sunday as one of the pub’s brewers, Moon Gazer Ale, visited and raised £605 for testicular cancer charity It’s On The Ball.
Tania Jenkins, who works at the pub and helped organise the surprise event, said: “She [Roz] had a lovely time, she was really overwhelmed by it all. It was very much deserved, she doesn’t like all the recognition. It went really well, it was brilliant.
Live & Let Live pub goers and friends watching the presentation to Rosina WoodsRosina Woods has been the landlady of the Live & Let Live pub for 25 yearsTania Jenkins shows her support for Testicular Cancer Charity, It's on The BallLive & Let Live landlady Rosina WoodsRosina Woods was on hand to show West Norfolk mayor Paul Bland, how to pull a pintRosina Woods celebrating 25 years as landlady of the Live & Let Live pub in King's Lynn. Also pictured are (from left) West Norfolk mayoress Marion Bland, mayor Paul Bland, CAMRA West Norfolk branch chair Andrea Briers, Joanne Russell & Nick BrownRosina Woods celebrating 25 years as landlady of the Live & Let Live pub in King's Lynn. Also pictured are West Norfolk mayor Paul Bland & CAMRA West Norfolk branch chair Andrea BriersRosina Woods celebrating 25 years as landlady of the Live & Let Live pub in King's Lynn. Also pictured are (from left) West Norfolk mayoress Marion Bland, mayor Paul Bland, CAMRA West Norfolk branch chair Andrea Briers, Joanne Russell & Nick BrownRosina Woods was on hand to show West Norfolk mayor Paul Bland, how to pull a pintTania Jenkins shows her support for Testicular Cancer Charity, It's on The BallRosina Woods & West Norfolk mayor Paul BlandRosina Woods celebrating 25 years as landlady of the Live & Let Live pub in King's Lynn. Also pictured are (from left) Tania Jenkins, West Norfolk mayor Paul Bland, mayoress Marion Bland, CAMRA West Norfolk branch chair Andrea Briers & Nick BrownRosina Woods has been the landlady of the Live & Let Live pub for 25 yearsRosina Woods was on hand to show West Norfolk mayor Paul Bland, how to pull a pintThe Live & Let Live pub in King's LynnLive & Let Live landlady Rosina Woods & West Norfolk mayor Paul BlandRosina Woods & West Norfolk mayor Paul BlandRosina Woods celebrating 25 years as landlady of the Live & Let Live pub in King's Lynn. Also pictured are (from left) Tania Jenkins, West Norfolk mayor Paul Bland, mayoress Marion Bland, CAMRA West Norfolk branch chair Andrea Briers & Nick BrownRosina Woods & Joanne Russell
“We had a great time celebrating, there were a few sore heads the following morning.”