Royal flower show to bloom again this summer
Sandringham Flower Show will be back this summer creating its traditional garden party aura in the grounds of The Queen’s West Norfolk home.
It will be making a welcome post-pandemic comeback on Wednesday, July 27 and tickets have now gone on sale.
The organisers say they have had to increase the admission charge this time but promise it will still be one of the best one-day shows in the country.
This will be the 139th year the prestigious show has been held in the royal parkland bringing in thousands of visitors and raising large sums of money for charity.
Again this year, showgoers can expect to see the best in flowers and produce, hundreds of trade stands – many with a horticultural theme – gardens competitions, celebrity gardeners, entertainment in the main arena and, hopefully, the traditional walkabout by Prince Charles and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall.
David Reeve, the show chairman, said: “We are delighted that after two years of suspension, plans to stage the 2022 show have now resumed and are progressing well.
“During the enforced closure, we have recruited new members to our committee and have secured contracts with new key suppliers with a view to retaining the show’s appeal and traditional format.
“Sadly, the cost of staging such a show has dramatically increased and has led to us having to increase our admission charges accordingly but, when compared to other shows, we believe the show still gives excellent value for money.
“A full programme of arena events has been booked and many of our exhibitors, alongside some new ones, have already confirmed attendance. We are also retaining our many competitions, and anyone interested can view details on our website.
“We are always on the look out for help either on the day of the show or in the immediate lead up so anyone interested should contact our secretary via the website.
“It is hoped that Their Royal Highnesses the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall will be in attendance which, of course, makes the show that much more special.
“So, put the date in your diary and join us in July for what will be the return of one of the country’s best one day shows”.
Many of the region’s leading nurseries and horticultural specialists traditionally exhibit. The show also features display gardens by leading designers, around 200 trade stands (both horticultural and general), a craft marquee, main arena events, children’s entertainment and a military band.
The Royal marquees contain the competitions for the best in vegetables, fruit, flowers and floral art, with many of the entries grown by local residents.
There are also open classes and in the amateurs’ marquee, local gardening and horticultural clubs enter a judged display competition, whilst the horticultural trades marquee features displays by leading nurseries.
The Gardeners’ Forum is the venue for gardening talks by top television gardeners .
The profits from each show are donated to local charities and since 1977 the show committee have donated more than £500,000 to local charities.
In the month prior to the show, Royal estate employees, pensioners and tenants have the opportunity to enter their gardens in two judged competitions – and on show day, the King George Vl Challenge Cup and the Queen Mother Challenge Cup are presented to the winners of these competitions.