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King’s Lynn Sea Cadets on lookout for new Royal Marine members

Lynn Sea Cadets has launched its new Royal Marine Cadet unit in town and is looking for new recruits.

Are you looking for an extra challenge and the opportunity to take part in unforgettable experiences? Become a Royal Marines Cadet and embark on an exciting new journey today.

Part of the Sea Cadets family, Royal Marines Cadets enjoy all the activities on water that Sea Cadets do, whilst also branching off into thrilling adventure training.

King's Lynn Sea Cadets. Picture: Kurt Massen
King's Lynn Sea Cadets. Picture: Kurt Massen

Specialising in orienteering and field craft is what makes Royal Marines Cadets unique and if you are between the ages of 13 and 18, you can be a part of it.

Whilst you are power-boating down the Ouse, orienteering across Dartmoor, travelling abroad as part of an overseas exchange, you will be making lasting memories and gaining valuable experience that can’t be achieved in a classroom.

The group meets every Tuesday and Thursday between 6.45pm and 9.15pm at the unit on St.Margaret’s Lane, we look forward to welcoming you to the Royal Marines Cadets.

For information on how to join, contact unit@kingslynnseacadets.org.uk.

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