West Norfolk Council launches investigation after trailer of asbestos sheets illegally dumped on Outwell’s Marsh Road
An investigation has been launched after a trailer of corrugated asbestos sheeting and other items were illegally dumped in Outwell.
West Norfolk Council is appealing for help from residents after the “dangerous” items were found fly-tipped on Marsh Road.
Cllr Sandra Squire, cabinet member for environment and coastal, said: “Removing and disposing of this illegally dumped and dangerous material will cost thousands of pounds of taxpayers’ money.
“Fly-tipping is both anti-social and illegal. It also has a negative impact on our natural environment, by taking rubbish out of the recycling chain and depositing it to decay or remain where it should not be.
“We’re asking vigilant residents to help our investigation. Do you recognise this trailer from a garden, driveway or yard, do you have dashcam footage of it on the move?
“We need your help to identify the selfish and inconsiderate individual involved.
“There is no length the council will not go to, to ensure we track down this perpetrator.”
Residents are urged to contact the borough council if they can help with any supporting evidence, by calling 01553 616200 or emailing cleanup@west-norfolk.gov.uk
If you spot fly-tipping, you can report it on West Norfolk Council’s website at https://www.west-norfolk.gov.uk/flytipping