Toast 'N' Tyres car and bike fundraiser held in West Norfolk for baby loss charity SANDS marks its first anniversary
A Toast n Tyres event is still fundraising a year on from when its first started.
Norfolks Custom Club hosts a Toast n Tyres event at Arbuckles in Downham on the first Sunday of every month from 8.30am until noon.
Norfolks Custom Club was started by Adam Titcombe last November to get himself out and speak to people after a loss and a mental health breakdown.
The monthly event is a family-friendly event where people can get together on a Sunday morning to socialise, have breakfast together, and talk about everything regarding motors.
Adam decided to fundraise for SANDS – a baby loss charity – at the same time this is because the charity has helped him as a male cope with their loss.
The Toast n Tyre event has evolved in the past year starting with as little as five cars and last month they had 111 different cars and bikes turn up to their meet including classic, American, and campers.
Adam has said his wife Georgina Titcombe, his son Asher Titcombe, Liam Freear, Amelia Helen, and SANDS Norfolk team are the ones who have helped him make this happen.
So far the club has raised more than £300 which will be donated to SANDS in January.
Adam is also planning on becoming a befriender for SANDS to support people at his car /bike/ toast n tyres event.
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