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Problems at King's Lynn Innovation Centre (KLIC) led to Human Capital Department moving out

Human Capital Department moved into King's Lynn Innovation Centre (KLIC) on September 1, 2017.

Prior to that we were virtual tenants, so can claim to be one of the first tenants of the KLIC building.

Most people would agree that it’s an impressive building and initiative to help new businesses and early start-ups, providing an “incubator” environment of coaching, mentoring and short training courses to build capability of those new to entrepreneurship and running and managing a business.

Peter Lawrence of Human Capital Department (28238838)
Peter Lawrence of Human Capital Department (28238838)

Much credit should be given to Nick Daubney, former borough councillor and mayor who drove the initiative with delivery of services provided by Nwes, the local enterprise agency.

There were initial “teething problems” – no telephones, no induction or explanation about things like health and safety and emergency evacuation procedures – but these failed to be resolved, and, surprisingly, there have been ongoing issues with reliability of the VOIP telephone systems and internet as well as other issues that should have been easy to fix.

The £10 million cost of the building was publicly funded through a mixture of EU, local and regional government grants but last year it was reported that there was a £2.75m hole in the accounts, which resulted in the Nwes Property Company going into administration.

The property management services were then assigned to the local council but with Nwes still the managing agent.

Since the council took over the management of the facility, things have not improved. For example, reception is not adequately staffed and the shared conference room facility is now let to a new tenant who operates a call centre.

So this important shared facility is no longer available and our free monthly HR forums can no longer take place in the building.

The already strained car parking is now insufficient for the number of tenants in the building and a suggested overspill car park which is about one mile away is totally unsuitable being a builder’s yard.

Kitchen and washroom facilities are overused and a large window in the foyer remains broken.

Hence, we took the difficult decision to move and are now located at Lincoln Court, 21 Bryggen Road, North Lynn Industrial Estate.

Our phone number, and email remains unchanged – 01553 609968, info@humancapitaldept.com

Please contact us for people management and development issues.

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