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Slimming World helps Gaywood man to shed more than eight stones

Shedding stones in body weight has resulted in a huge health gain for a Gaywood man who for the first time in years can go ahead with a life-changing operation.

Barry Fysh, 72, of Gaywood, joined Reffley Slimming World group in January 2019 weighing in at nearly 23 stones with Type 2 diabetes. One year on, he weighs 14st 4lbs, having lost eight stones and eight pounds and his blood glucose levels have dropped dramatically to almost half.

The weight loss – even more than singer Adele who recently was reported to have lost seven stones – means that Barry is also now able to have hip replacement surgery he has waited for for more than eight years, having always been told his BMI was too high.

Barry Fysh who has lost more than eight stones in weight in a year with Slimming World (27713441)
Barry Fysh who has lost more than eight stones in weight in a year with Slimming World (27713441)

Barry started attending Slimming World following a recommendation by the nurse when he diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. She offered him a free 12-week introductory membership to Slimming World paid for by the NHS if he attended the meetings.

He discovered was how much food he could enjoy on a food optimising plan and lose weight.

He said: "I have learned that three healthy filling meals are enough to satisfy my appetite. Because I am full on healthy ‘free food’ meals I don’t need the unhealthy snacks I was having before.

"I love getting in the kitchen and using all the Slimming World cook books, I can always find something tasty to cook. As a bonus of eating the meals I cook, both my wife and son have lost two stones each.

"I really have embraced this as a complete lifestyle change and I feel so much better since losing weight. My self esteem has improved and my mobility has improved too, enabling me to undertake projects around the house and garden I would never have attempted before."

Jo Jackson, who is team developer for Slimming World's 19 groups in Lynn and West Norfolk, said: "Barry's consultant Kate Hopgood says he is a fantastic source of inspiration, offerings ideas and encouragement to everyone else in group."

The total number of new members who have joined in West Norfolk this January is 572 and Jo expects that to be nearer 700 by the end of the month.

She said: "The total number of pounds lost so far in January across all the groups is 5,926 – that equals 423 stones and I expect that to be nearer 550 stones by January 31."

"We have seen the majority of those that joined in the first week of January collect their half stone award already or are due to achieve that this week."

Slimming World groups meet in Hunstanton, Snettisham, Dersingham, Gayton, Gaywood, Reffley, Lynn Football Club, Lynn's Providence Street, West Lynn, Watlington, Sutton Bridge and Long Sutton.

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