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West Norfolk projects are invited to apply for up to £50,000 in funding

Projects that make a difference in West Norfolk could benefit from funding to give them extra help.

Between £10,000 and £50,000 in funding could be given to projects as West Norfolk Council opens its UK Shared Prosperity Funding (UKSPF) scheme for expressions of interest.

Proposals are being invited for projects that are operating in the borough under the themes of communities and place, or people and skills.

West Norfolk Council cabinet member Alistair Beales
West Norfolk Council cabinet member Alistair Beales

Communities and place applications will be assessed against criteria such as increasing footfall and visitor numbers; improving amenities, facilities, and accessibility; making neighbourhood and public realm improvements, improving cycleways and pathways; and reducing emissions.

For expressions of interest under the theme of people and skills, priorities such as people gaining qualifications, people being supported into work, and increased volunteering engagement will be considered.

Proposals must meet the objectives of the West Norfolk Investment Plan which guides the local investment of UK Shared Prosperity Funding, and all projects must be fully delivered and complete between April 1, 2024 and March 31, 2025.

Funding is available for capital and revenue projects.

To move to the full application stage, projects must be able to demonstrate how they meet local needs and detail the benefits and positive impacts the proposals would achieve.

Interested parties can download an expressions of interest form for completion at https://www.west-norfolk.gov.uk/UKSPFProjectCall which should be submitted to westnorfolkspf@west-norfolk.gov.uk by 12pm Wednesday, February 28.

Cllr Alistair Beales, the borough counci’s cabinet member for business, said: “With the potential to secure between £10,000 and £50,000, this is a fantastic opportunity for local projects to access significant funding.

“This amount of funding could be transformational, enabling projects to deliver activities that make a real difference here in West Norfolk, for the benefit of local communities and residents.

“Through investing in projects under these two themes, and which deliver the objectives of the West Norfolk Investment Plan, we can support activities that together contribute towards our area as a great place to live, work, visit, and invest.”

All projects must be located within the Lynn and West Norfolk boundary, and applications can be made by a range of bodies, organisations, and groups including public sector organisations, private sector enterprises, and registered charities.

Interested parties wishing to find out more can participate in two online information sessions, taking place on Microsoft Teams from 11am-noon on Thursday, February 8 and Tuesday, February 13.

Places are limited so anyone who wants to attend should email westnorfolkspf@west-norfolk.gov.uk to request an invite ahead of the meeting.

UK Shared Prosperity Funding is a Government funded investment programme that aims to build pride in the places that we live, support high-quality skills training, employment, and productivity growth, and improve life chances.

The borough council has secured £1,836,407 UK Shared Prosperity Funding to support revenue and capital investment across the area until March 2025.

Grants made so far have included funding for community energy-saving measures, and supporting residents to save money on their energy bills.

The Love Your Town initiative, which invited bids of up to £1,000 of grant funding for ideas and initiatives that generate footfall and activity within Lynn, Downham, and Hunstanton, has also received investment.

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