West Norfolk's MPs urge Brexit action after election set-back
Both Conservative MPs in West Norfolk have said that the very poor council election results for the party today shows that the issue of Brexit must be dealt with quickly.
South-West Norfolk MP and Cabinet minister Liz Truss tweeted after the previously-dominant Tories clung on to power at West Norfolk Council by just one seat, that "It's a Conservative hold in King's Lynn and West Norfolk but we've lost some very good councillors and candidates. No complacency allowed. We need to act urgently on Brexit."
Sir Henry Bellingham MP for North West Norfolk said: “Of course, it was incredibly disheartening to see so many excellent Conservative councillors lose their seats.
"Indeed, I know every single one of them individually and would like to thank them all for their dedication to their local communities, and the incredible hard work they have all put in over the years.
"Whilst it is most disappointing a number of good Conservatives lost their seats I would like to congratulate those who won. I have no doubt they will do their level best for the communities they serve.”
“On what was obviously a difficult day, the Conservatives did exceptionally well to hold 28 seats and thus secure a small majority.
"What is extremely significant is the fact they are so far in front of Labour who managed only 10 seats, in spite of winning control of the council in 1995.
"It is equally staggering they only contested 27 seats, which in itself is a major admission of failure.”
Sir Henry went on to say: “I am acutely aware of the fact that across England it was a very mixed picture for my party; whereas we made some gains in over 20 areas we also lost significant numbers of councillors elsewhere, not least in our own borough council.
However, after nine years in Government we still remain the largest party in Local Government.”
“It was a very tough campaign with Brexit being the 'elephant on the doorstep'. It is therefore now more important than ever that we deliver the Brexit people voted for and get the Prime Minister’s Withdrawal Agreement over the line.”