Ryston Park Golf Club hosts Ryston Hall landlord’s charity day
Published: 07:00, 26 May 2019
The Ryston Hall landlord’s charity day was held at Ryston Park Golf Club.
Forty-four golfers entered the team event with Nick Denny, Steve Dickinson, Andy Penketwhan and Peter Gough taking first place. James Bagge, Andrew Martin Smith, Klaus Macfarlane and Alec Armitage were second while Joe Flogdell, Malcolm Martin, Mick Ward and Ray Fieldtook third spot.
A total of £1,240 was raised for the Swan Youth Project in Downham and a further £85 was donated to the golf club’s captain’s charity.
The Swan Youth Project offers one-to-one support, advice and guidance to the youth of Downham.
Project manager Anna Foster accepted a cheque from Ryston seniors captain Ian Buttle and James Bagge.