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BBC archaeologist Dr Jago Cooper to give new lecture at King’s Lynn Town Hall with all proceeds going to True’s Yard Fisherfolk Museum

A BBC archaeologist will be delivering a new lecture on his travels this month with all ticket proceeds going to a museum.

Dr Jago Cooper, well known for his BBC archaeology documentaries including ‘The Lost Kingdoms of South America’ and ‘Easter Island, Mysteries of a Lost World’, will be coming to Lynn to present a new lecture.

Museums of the Future will draw on Dr Cooper’s experiences of his extensive travels in South America and Cuba and highlight how art and archaeology can spark conversations about the big issues facing us today.

Dr Jago Cooper will be coming to Lynn to present a new lecture
Dr Jago Cooper will be coming to Lynn to present a new lecture

Dr Cooper was head of the Americas at the British Museum for ten years prior to his recent appointment as executive director at the Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts in Norwich.

He said: “Museums are a place where we can all go and admire art and artefacts but they can also inspire us to reflect on the state of affairs today.

“We have taken a radical approach at the Sainsbury Centre with a new revamp of our galleries to invite people to join in this conversation.

Dr Jago Cooper is well known for his BBC archaeology documentaries
Dr Jago Cooper is well known for his BBC archaeology documentaries

“How museums can be directly relevant to tackling matters that affect all of us such as climate change, politics, and equality will be a central theme of my discussion.”

The new evening lecture, to be presented at the invitation of the mayor at the Town Hall in Lynn, will be given as the tenth anniversary of the Pat Midgley Memorial Lecture, in remembrance of the local historian who founded True’s Yard Fisherfolk Museum.

Gaynor Western, deputy manager of the museum, said: “Pat was well aware of the importance of museums in preserving buildings, boats, art and artefacts for everyone to learn about local social history and the living environments in Lynn.

The lecture will be given as the tenth anniversary of the Pat Midgley Memorial Lecture
The lecture will be given as the tenth anniversary of the Pat Midgley Memorial Lecture

“Dr Cooper’s lecture will build upon the vital work of people like Pat Midgley, without whom so much knowledge that lets us reflect upon the world around us would have been lost.

“It will be an exciting, eye-opening event open to everyone with an interest in art, history, archaeology and global issues.”

The lecture will be held on Wednesday, November 20, and includes a complimentary drinks reception at 6pm with the opportunity to meet Dr Cooper before his lecture begins at 7pm.

Tickets are £5 with all proceeds going to the museum.

Anyone interested in attending the presentation can book tickets online via the True’s Yard Fisherfolk Museum website www.truesyard.co.uk or by emailing the museum by email info@truesyard.co.uk.

Alternatively, people can phone 01553 770479.

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